Rather than try to put this all on NextDoor and Facebook, I’m posting my notes from the SLO Meeting from March 7th here.

  1. There are new email addresses for our officers. Instead of #####@lapd.lacity.org substitute: #####@lapd.online. See City Agencies/Services Contact Information for each officer’s email address. I’ve added Traffic Officer Joel Flores to the list. Also, the main number for Valley Traffic is 818-644-8000.
  2. Good news for La Tuna Canyon Blvd. Since the completion of the “traffic survey” they are averaging 20+ traffic citations (tickets) a day (which does not count nighttime citations.) Now that the survey is complete, Officer Flores can get more police officers to write tickets. The speed stayed the same as it was before the survey. A reminder, the left turn lane IS NOT A PASSING LANE! You will be ticketed if you decide to pass from that lane. Also, they have issued tickets for trucks over 6,000 lbs. To everyone, Officer Flores says there has been a big increase in pedestrians being hit by cars all over LA. If you are out walking especially at night, pay attention, put away your phone, and try to wear a light color.
  3. The city seems to have been experiencing problems with their phones. If you can’t get through, try again.
  4. If you see a Homeless Encampment, call 311 and ask for Sanitation to report it. Using the MyLA311 app is very helpful as you can submit a photo of the encampment and of course give the address. The police are restricted from doing anything about it, so it is up to LA Sanitation to remove encampments. If nothing happens, you can forward to Maria Landry of the Office of the City Attorney () your service request number along with a description and she will try to follow up with the city.
  5. Click to View

    Please download the flyer for the new regulations regarding Vehicle Dwelling . To view the map that shows where vehicle dwelling is allowed and restricted (they are updating these maps) Click Here.
  6. April 4th is the next SLO/Community Meeting and will PROBABLY be at Bob’s Big Boy on Sunland. Officer Wall says that the restaurant should still be in business in April (it will close sometime this year to become a Starbucks.)