Coffee Time Meetings

/Coffee Time Meetings

About Burglaries in Glencrest HIlls

The following are two videos taken (poorly) at the monthly LAPD Coffee Time Meeting on March 2, 2023. The officers are discussing a burglary in Glencrest Hills where a community member contacted our Senior Lead Officer, Eric Perez, (first video), and let him know that the burglars were on premises at a resident's house. There are two videos as Senior Lead Officer Cesar Contreras who also was at the scene, came in later to [...]

By | March 2nd, 2023|Coffee Time Meetings, Glencrest Hills News|Comments Off on About Burglaries in Glencrest HIlls

Burglaries in G.H. & other news 3-5-2019

This is a summary of the March 5th Coffee Time Meeting for Sun Valley: Officer Wall introduced Traffic Officer Flores. Officer Flores heard from several community members of troublesome places where folks run stop signs, red lights and speed. He took notes and will try to investigate these locations. He also said there had been 19 fatalities in the LAPD Foothill Division’s area last year and 8 of those were in Sun Valley. If [...]

By | March 9th, 2019|Coffee Time Meetings, Glencrest Hills News|3 Comments

Coffee Time for Jan. 3rd Cancelled

This is from Sr. Lead Officer Esther Vasquez regarding the first Tuesday of the month Coffee Time meetings. Hello All, Just wanted to inform you all that due to vacations the Sun Valley Community Coffee held on the first Tuesday of the month for January, 2017 will be cancelled. Though Bob's Big Boy is to become a Starbucks, we understand that Coffee Time will be able to be held there for February and March. [...]

By | December 23rd, 2016|Coffee Time Meetings|Comments Off on Coffee Time for Jan. 3rd Cancelled