Our next meeting for Glencrst Hills will be Saturday, January 28, 2017 at 10am. The main subject will be “Crime & Crime Prevention.” DOWNLOAD THE FLYER!


The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
8525 Glenoaks Blvd (Glenoaks and Nettleton) Parking is off Nettleton, second gate will be open.
Sun Valley, CA 91352
Google Map

We are so thankful for the use of this beautiful facility. They have plenty of chairs and…no columns. 🙂 However, out of respect for their beliefs, we ask that you finish your caffeinated beverages before entering the property, and of course, there is no smoking allowed on their property.

At the last Coffee Time meeting with our LAPD Sr. Lead Officers, many of our residents came with deep concerns about the increasing crime that they are perceiving in our area. Please read this article to see what is happening with crime in our area: “Crime rises in the San Fernando Valley, where robbery and homicide rates outpace LA.” Therefore, most of our meeting will be devoted to the topic of crime and crime prevention. Officer Wall and Officer Vasquez will be joined by LAPD Sergeant Jesse Ojeda to speak on this subject. Of course, we will have a city report from Lorraine Diaz, CD 2’s field deputy for our area.

At City Hall – filing for naming of community Glencrest Hills!

By the way, we filed the Glencrest Hills “community naming” petitions with the City Clerk’s office on Wednesday, January 28th. We have over 780 signatures (we needed 500!) It seems to be a long process for it to go through all the agency approvals however. Huge thanks to our tireless volunteers going out in the heat of summer and gathering the signatures. Since we have far surpassed the needed 300 signatures to be able to call ourselves Glencrest Hills by permission of Paul Kerkorian’s office, you are now allowed to use that city designation if you choose (Glencrest Hills, CA  91352). Even if we get full approval by the city agencies for the city naming of our area to Glencrest Hills which involves changing the city maps, you will STILL be able to use Sun Valley, or Los Angeles, or if you have that Burbank zipcode, 91504, then of course you can continue to use Burbank.

Do we have your email address for our newsletter?  If you have heard from us, then we have it, but if you haven’t heard from us we either do not have it or it bounced for various reasons.  You can send your name and email address to me by clicking this link.   We are going to start relying on email notices and this website to get out the word about future meetings so please sign up if you haven’t previously!