Glencrest Hills community meeting will be held:

Saturday, Oct. 21, 2017
10 am to noon
LDS Church – 8525 Glenoaks Blvd
Entrance on Nettleton (see Map)

Agenda items: (The order may change due to emergency responders schedules)

Question and Answer will occur after each speaker’s presentation

  • Crime report from our LAPD Sr. Lead Officer Richard Wall
  • LA City report from our CD2 Field Deputy, Lorraine Diaz
  • LAFD presentation regarding the La Tuna Fire from our fire station 77, and, (still being confirmed) LAFD Battalion 12 Chief Albert Ward. This will include information on flood/mud flow mitigation.
  • Presentation on the new cannabis regulations and how it might affect our community. Presented by Monica Vacas, Cindy Sower and Officer Richard Wall

    For full information on this subject, we encourage all of Glencrest Hills to attend a meeting hosted by the Sunland-Tujunga Neighborhood Council
    Cat Packer, Executive Director of Cannabis Regulation
    Monday, Oct. 23, 2017 at 7:00pm
    7747 Foothill Blvd., Tujunga (Google Map)

  • “Why the Sun Valley Area Neighborhood Council is critical to our community & why it needs YOUR support,” with SVANC President Cindy Sower and First Vice-President Monica Vacas. Also, the SVANC has been working with our state and local government on tightening up the fireworks ban. If you haven’t signed their petition, you will have the opportunity to do so at the meeting.
  • Vickere Murphy, District Representative for State Senator Anthony Portatino. She will give us an update on an important meeting coming up regarding the La Tuna Fire remediation and update us on issues on which the Senator has been working.
  • Our new community name, what happened at City Hall, and where do we go from here! We will be looking for volunteers for several categories such as a steering committee and meeting set-up support.

To respect the beliefs and traditions of the LDS members, we ask that you do not bring coffee or tea into the meeting (in fact, let’s just say, “No drinks please!”), and there is no smoking on the grounds of the church. Thanks! (Water is OK!)

We need a BIG turnout! See you Saturday, Oct. 21st!