We had an amazing Glencrest Hills Meeting on April 22. Woodbury University hosted us with a ton of coffee, lemonade and other drinks. Sun Valley Area Neighborhood Council brought treats. But alas, we were only 20 attendees (we have over 1,000 homes in GH not counting the Cabrinis.) Diana Gonzalez, Field Deputy for Paul Krekorian’s office did a wonderful job of organizing the meeting. Thank you so much to her hard work!

The first speaker was Captain Brian Nassour, head of the Brush Clearance Unit for all of Los Angeles. His Power Point presentation was so very informative and so crucial for the community of Glencrest Hills as we are in a high fire danger area (VHFHSZ). He went through where you need to abate weeds on your property, who is responsible for the hill between you and your neighbor, having to disclose you are in a VHFHSZ when you sell your house, etc. Please go to: https://www.lafd.org/fire-prevention/brush for all the detailed information. Our LAFD Brush Inspector is Derricke Lockhart: Email is: derricke.lockhart@lacity.org. You can email him for any questions you may have. You can review the INFORMATION SHEET he handed out at the meeting. They are very, very serious about brush clearance for our area, and fines will be given if we do not comply.

We also had our LAPD Senion Lead Officer, Eric Perez talk about the crime in our area and about the Willows Motel and what is going on with that property.