We most sincerely and humbly thank the LDS Church members and especially to Bishop Jatone for allowing us to meet in their beautiful building. We know how lucky we are to be allowed to meet in their house of worship, but especially to have these fantastic people to not only help us, but to do so with such enthusiasm. We thank Astrid Leiva and her sons for helping us set up and put back the room after the meeting. We thank you all from the bottom of our hearts. A special thanks to Sun Valley Graffiti Busters for putting out the tables chairs and then returning later that day to put it all back again. Of course, many thanks to ALL our most wonderful speakers. Another special thanks to Juliana Johnson, Bobbi Thompson, and Mary Christensen for helping at the meeting and getting people checked in and a HUGE thanks to Laura Wynne for the use of her company, Burbank Music Academy’s audio system and for setting it up.

Here are a few notes (sorry, I missed some many items) from the Glencrest Hills meeting with the promised links to articles and publications for those subjects:

  • LAFD Battalion 12, Chief Gregg Avery and Chief Nicholas Ferrari:
    • Both chiefs worked on the La Tuna Fire, with Chief Avery being the incident commander. They thanked the community for their concern and generosity during the incident. The cause of the fire is still unknown.
    • CD7 Councilmember Monica Rodriguez is the point person for gathering information and assessments about the fire.
    • Chief Avery said that LA County fire has been going around to the residents whose house could be impacted by heavy rain causing debris flows. Please see “Flood and Mud Flow Preparedness” for information sent to us by Chief Ferrari and Station 77 Captain Bryan Nassour.
    • Glencrest Hills presented the Chiefs with a “thank-you” (see image) for the firefighters of Station 77 and themselves.
  • Vickere Murphy, District Representative for State Senator, Anthony Portantino (see this page for her contact information):
    • She caught us up on the Senator’s work in Sacramento. She invites us to the La Tuna Fire remediation meeting with fire ecologists:
      November 18th at 2:00pm
      Woodbury University
      Fletcher Auditorium
  • LAPD Sr. Lead Officer Richard Wall:
    • Officer Wall related that crime has been down for the last few weeks. Go to Crimemapping.com and enter your zip code to see where and when any crimes have been committed in your area. He said due to the new speed survey, the speed limit on Glenoaks Blvd between Osborne and Hollywood Way will go from 45MPH to 50MPH. Now that the speed survey has been completed, traffic officers can resume enforcing the speed limits.
    • Regarding the Cannabis law that will come into effect Jan. 1, Officer Wall said much is not yet known since city laws are still being written. He referenced the shortage of DRE’s, which are Drug Recognition Experts throughout the city. If more DRE’s are not licensed and hired, it will be difficult to enforce DUI for marijuana. (see later cannabis topic by Cindy Sower)
    • CPAB – Community Police Advisory Board is open to new members. It is a two-way conversation between the Foothill Division and the community. Requirements are that 1. you are a stakeholder in the division, 2. must attend a minimum of 3 meetings before joining, 3. must be interviewed by the Captain & Head CRO Officer and pass a background check. Meetings are once a month, second Thursday of the month at 6pm @ SFV Valley Japanese American Community Center, 12953 Branford St. Representatives of the police department (Captain, Sergeants & SLO’s), City Council, and the City Attorney’s office attend most meetings. If you would like to join, just go to the meetings and tell them you are interested in becoming a member. It would be great if several GH resident joined CPAB!
  • Lorraine Diaz, Field Deputy for CD2, Councilmember Paul Krekorian:
    • Lorraine said that the traffic light to be installed on Hollywood Way at the on/off ramp for the 5 freeway is scheduled for mid-June. This will cause street parking to be eliminated in that area.
    • She also referred to two phone numbers to call, 311 for Los Angeles City Services (there is also an app for that) and 211 for LA County Services. If it is for services for the homeless, call 211. If you are not sure if what you are seeing is illegal dumping or a homeless encampment, always call 311 and tell them it is illegal dumping. They will make the determination and call out the proper services as needed.
  • Sun Valley Area Neighborhood Council (SVANC) President Cindy Sower, First Vice President, Monica Vacas, and Wendy Thum, Committee Chair for SVANC Beautification:
    • Cindy encouraged everyone to come to the SVANC meetings. All the details of when & where they meet are on their website. They are involved with many issues facing our city from Land-use to Emergency Preparedness to working to keep our area “beautiful.” Visit this page on the various Committees to see all the work the SVANC is doing on our behalf. Remember, these are all volunteers! There are several open board seats that she encourages GH residents consider filling. We had at the GH meeting, the Fireworks Petition which in part said:

      We, the undersigned, as residents, businesses and representatives of organizations of the City of Los Angeles, California, need legislation written for stricter and enforceable laws and more resources allocated to enforce those laws with regards to ALL FIREWORKS in our City and State. We oppose the use of all Fireworks that are not set off by licensed professionals. The cacophony of explosions across the San Fernando Valley, days & weeks leading up to the 4th of July are frightening to children and animals. It is a fire hazard and the resulting layers of smoke a health hazard.

      The petition will be available at various upcoming events and meetings. Read the entire SVANC-Fireworks Petition Please mention the petition and the need to do something as often as you can to your friends, neighbors and coworkers throughout the LA City. Talk it up on social media. The more this is discussed and feedback is sent to our elected officials, something will be done. But if we let this drop until the next barrage of fireworks during a holiday, it will only get worse.

    • If you want to be included on the distribution list of the BRAND NEW SVANC NEWSLETTER!, just This newsletter will be a great way to hear about timely issues that concern all of us!
    • Cindy said though the laws are not yet set regarding marijuana packaging for edibles, by example of items that are available in other cities where marijuana is legal, just the look of the marijuana edibles could pose a true health hazard for our children. (see image)
    • Wendy Thum, chairman of the SVANC Beautification Committee, stressed that we can do a lot for our community and invites anyone interested in improving Sun Valley to join them at their monthly meeting (see the website for time & dates.)
      The next Beautification Meeting is Nov. 2nd at 6:30pm,
      SVANC Office
      9040 Sunland Blvd – Ste B
      (N of Penrose St., east side of Sunland, one bldg north of American Legion Hall)
      Sun Valley, CA 91352
  • Finally, Susan Lustig encouraged everyone to PLEASE take the CERT class (Community Emergency Response Team). We are currently gathering names for those interested. Visit the CERT-LA.com website to learn about the classes. If you are interested in taking the class, please .
  • Susan also asked for those interested in being part of the Glencrest Hills Steering Committee to please . The committee members will plot a course for what kind of community Glencrest Hills will be (501-c3, or…?) and how to go forward with producing meetings and events. She needs HELP!

Thanks for coming to the meeting. Questions or comments you can either , or post them below.